I began writing on October 1st after having a conversation with my sister about NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo is the National Novel Writing Month which is a website that holds a challenge every November for people to write 50,000 words within the 30 days of November. The website is www.nanowrimo.com Joining this site is very motivating because you can find people in your area who are writing as well. Some people will meet at a mutual location to work on their writing together. I have yet to do this but I like that it is available.
In the past I have known a few people to do this but I have since lost touch with them to ask their opinion of the process. So I turned to my sister who is a writer. I expressed my concerns of 50,000 words to her and she suggested I start in October. In reality it isn't about the word count but more about the time put in to it and the experience. And so I started to write.
I took a moment one day to read a little bit of what I had written so far. Let me tell you, it really isn't great. But I need to start somewhere. I feel better after writing, energized, creatively satisfied and all around proud of myself. My sister helped me set a goal of 25 minutes a day, at the least. Unfortunately I failed a few days but that isn't any reason to give up. When I do meet the goal of 25 minutes it is this moment of "oh yeah! I did it!" only in my head of course and maybe in a quick email to my sister. I wait for my "gold star" the next day from her.
I took a creative writing class in college and enjoyed it quite a bit but this is different in so many ways. I'm not doing this for the grade, I am doing it for me. This story, however terrible it might be, is mine and I can share it with whomever I choose. I might not ever share it with anyone, who knows.
As I wrote today I realized I need more direction for my story and I need to ensure that I am consistent throughout the story. I came up with some ideas and strategies to help me with this. I figure I will share them here as I begin to use them. It may be helpful for anyone else who is starting to write. I'm not sure that I have any "followers" at this point so it may end up being just for me which completely fine by me.
Take Care!
Disclaimer: My grammar and punctuation probably isn't correct but I am working on it. :)